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Placement Cell

At M Cyber Academy, we are committed to preparing our students for successful careers in the cybersecurity field. Our Placement Cell is dedicated to providing students with the resources and support they require to succeed in their professions. We arrange seminars, guest lectures, and other training events to assist students improve the skills and information required for their future employment.

We establish links with potential companies and keep touch with alumni in order to secure work prospects for students. We advise and coach students on job-related issues such as resume writing, interview techniques, and career planning. We encourage students to connect with alumni, industry leaders, and future employers in order to broaden their professional network and improve their prospects of finding job.

Placement cellonly for M Cyber Academy Students.

Get placement now!

Pawan Kumar

Pawan Kumar

Placement Head

Chief Operations Officer


Placement Partners

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Hired Students


Intellicar Telematics – Security Engineer.

Ujwal Kasturi
Ujwal Kasturi

Arizona state university, Tempe, AZ – Data Security Analyst

Deepak Kumar
Deepak Kumar

Seamless InfoTech – Network security engineer


Telangana Cyber cell - Digital Forensics Investigator